Board & Committees

Community Management

Our community is self-managed by a dedicated Board and numerous committees of passionate property owners. If you would like more information on these groups, or wish to get involved, please see this list below.

In accordance to sub division bylaws of the State of South Carolina, RDC holds formal monthly meetings governed by the Roberts Rules of Order. Approved meeting minutes are made available on this website to property owners following each meeting. The annual meeting is held during the month of February when the election of officers is announced and plans for the forthcoming year are presented to RDC members.

The RDC Board normally meets at 6:00 PM on the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Current Board Members

Fred Wallace
82 Rose Dhu Creek Plantation Drive
Todd Guenther
12 Redbud Way
Matt Ramsey
4 Redbud Way
Ryan Stefonick
12 Sweet Grass Ln.
David Dumont
Rose Dhu Creek Plantation Drive

Meeting Schedule

January TBD6:00pmGathering Place
February TBD (Annual Meeting)10:00amGathering Place
February TBDFollowing Annual MeetingGathering Place
March TBD6:00pmGathering Place
April TBD6:00pmGathering Place
May TBDGathering Place
June TBD6:00pmGathering Place
July TBD6:00pmGathering Place
August TBD6:00pmGathering Place
September TBD6:00pmGathering Place
October TBD6:00pmGathering Place
November TBD6:00pmGathering Place
December TBD6:00pmGathering Place

RDC Architectural Review Committee Purpose/Mission To ensure new home Builders and Property Owners follow the processes as set forth in The Design Guidelines & Architectural Review Board Submittal Requirements. This committee’s objective it to assure that the design guidelines are followed with collected appropriate building fees. The ARB Review Committee is expected to give guidance to builders and property owners on such things as new construction lot location, building elevations (home visual style, exterior color sections and selection of appearance enhancements such as shutters, windows, roof material, etc.). That landscaping plans are in balance with the new buildings and enhances the overall beauty and property value of the RDC community.

A digital copy of our ARB Design Guide can be found HERE.

Current Members:
Fred Wallace, Mary Kerdasha.


To make recommendations to the RDC Board for enhancing the overall beauty and value of all RDC maintained common property such as: Greenways; Cul-de-sacs, Intersections, Gateways, The Gathering Place/Pool area, Bridal and Walking Paths, etc.; and to make suggestions for improved common property usage.

The committee should meet quarterly (at a minimum) as a group for camaraderie and to discuss ideas, plans, what’s working and not working, etc. The committee is to gain over all property owner input for ideas and to uncover opportunities for the above.

To contact the Beautification Comnmittee send an email to:

The purpose of the Social Committee is to foster a cohesive community by organizing fun and interesting events for the entire community to attend.

The RDC POA has established a yearly budget to pay for these all-inclusive community events. While we attempt to execute a minimum of 6 community events each year, we also encourage the formation of small groups within the neighborhood to meet the needs of all our residents. POA funds may not be used for small group activities. (i.e.: Monthly ladies lunch outings, bunko, golf groups, men’s hunting club, garden club, etc.)

Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, 4th of July BBQ Pool Party, Hawaiian Luau Party, Halloween Crawl, Annual Christmas Party, and Children’s Christmas Breakfast. We are always open to new suggestions for events/activities.

If you have an interest in planning events and want to be part of a fun group, please don’t hesitate to volunteer. We need your help! Email Marla Guenther.

Details to follow.

Details to follow.

The function of the Nominating Committee (as noted in Article V, Section 5.7 of the RDC Bylaws) is to solicit and advance a slate of qualified candidates to possibly fill the RDC governing Board vacancies. An election by the Members is held at the annual meeting in February for final selection from the slate to fill any Board vacancy.

The Board of Directors appoints the Nominating Committee at the annual meeting of the Members and I announced at that meeting.