RDC Committees are staffed by fellow neighbors who volunteer to help make our community a better place to live and grow property value. Committees also help your Board with making important decisions on things such as community beautification, bylaw updates and safety. By volunteering to serve, you not only help the mission of each committee, but also have a chance to meet neighbors. Next time you receive a request for help a committee, please consider joining. Contact any committee member to get more information – it’s fun and doesn’t take much time out of your busy schedule.
To make recommendations to the RDC Board for enhancing the overall beauty and value of all RDC maintained common property such as: Greenways; Cul-de-sacs, Intersections, Gateways, The Gathering Place/Pool area, Bridal and Walking Paths, etc.; and to make suggestions for improved common property usage.
The committee should meet quarterly (at a minimum) as a group for camaraderie and to discuss ideas, plans, what’s working and not working, etc. The committee is to gain over all property owner input for ideas and to uncover opportunities for the above.
The committee will develop each recommendation in writing that outlines the following:
- Description
- Purpose & Locations & High Level Plan
- Estimated size or number of effected area(s)
- Phases (if needed)
- Suggested Vendor(s)
- Estimated Cost(s)
All recommendations are to be made by email RDC Board for review and comment. Any approved recommendations that can don’t require funding can be accomplished immediately. Projects that require funding will be reviewed by the Board via email, and possibly tabled until the next Board meeting for discussion and possible approval.
Board decisions will be sent to the Committee Chair in writing (email) as quickly as possible.
To contact the Beautification Comnmittee send an email to:
The committee is to be made up if property owners who live or own property in the RDC community. It is the Board’s hope committee members represent all Phases of the subdivision (original and newly developed) to foster a balance of geographic needs and camaraderie. Initially the RDC Board will send out a solicitation letter to all property owners currently living in the community to establish the first committee. The committee will establish their own Chair and meeting schedule. The Board will be kept aware of such as needed. Committee terms are renewable annually.
- Teri Weatherly (Chair)
- Todd Gunether (Board Member)
The purpose of the Social Committee is to foster a cohesive community by organizing fun and interesting events for the entire community to attend.
The RDC POA has established a yearly budget to pay for these all-inclusive community events. While we attempt to execute a minimum of 6 community events each year, we also encourage the formation of small groups within the neighborhood to meet the needs of all our residents. POA funds may not be used for small group activities. (i.e.: Monthly ladies lunch outings, bunko, golf groups, men’s hunting club, garden club, etc.)
Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, 4th of July BBQ Pool Party, Hawaiian Luau Party, Halloween Crawl, Annual Christmas Party, and Children’s Christmas Breakfast. We are always open to new suggestions for events/activities.
- Planning sessions; Brainstorm to create new ideas for events, evaluation of previous events
- Create a yearly schedule including dates and an estimated budget per event
- Create Flyers/invitations for notification to the neighborhood
- Execute planned events with committee and community volunteers
- Propose activities to the POA Board Members and gain required approvals to proceed
- Cinco de Mayo Fiesta – Saturday, May 6th, 3:00PM Gathering Place
- 4th of July Pool Party Tuesday, July 4th – 1:00 PM Gathering Place
- Hawaiian Luau Party, Saturday, October 7th – 5:30 PM Gathering Place
- Halloween Crawl Tuesday, October 31st – 6:00 PM Gathering Place
- Holiday Party Gathering Place
- Annual Christmas Party (adults), Saturday December 16th – 6:00 PM
- Children Festivities (time TBD)
If you have an interest in planning events and want to be part of a fun group, please don’t hesitate to volunteer. We need your help! Contact us today at:
- Marla Guenther (Chair)
- Alicia Zavala
- Teri Weatherly
The function of the Nominating Committee (as noted in Article V, Section 5.7 of the RDC Bylaws) is to solicit and advance a slate of qualified candidates to possibly fill the RDC governing Board vacancies. An election by the Members is held at the annual meeting in February for final selection from the slate to fill any Board vacancy.
The Board of Directors appoints the Nominating Committee at the annual meeting of the Members and I announced at that meeting.
The Committee will serve from the prior year’s annual meeting until the next annual meeting. Committee appointments will be announced at each annual meeting.
(As announced at the xxxx annual meeting)
- Ryan Stefonick
- Greg McMahon
- Art Carapola
RDC 2023 POA Call for Candidates, please see Forms & Documents
RDC 2023 Board Appointment Application Form, please see Forms & Documents
To make recommendations to the RDC Board for balanced annual budgets, project funding and expense control.
The committee should meet quarterly (at a minimum) with the Treasurer to review actual to budget balances and spending; assessment collection; project funding; and development of ideas to better invest Capital account monies and forecast Operational spending. Review any capital purchases from the stand point of funding strategy and account balance management to ensure the Operating, Capital budgets remain solvent.
The committee will develop each recommendation in writing that outlines the following:
- Planning for the next year budget throughout the current fiscal year
- Assist the Treasurer in planning and management of line item actual to budget
- If needed, assist the Treasurer develop financial models for project funding requirements
- Research investment tools as needed to ensure the capital account has appropriate growth for the given market condition
- Assist the Treasurer and Board with any matter that might involve special financing
- Review Vendor contracts to ensure RDC receives the highest value for the cost of the service
The committee is to be made up of the Treasurer, past Board President, and property owners who live or own property in the RDC community and who have a strong back ground in small business finances and property and amenity development. Perhaps, a property owner who has experience in project management.
- Past President
- Current and past Treasurer
- 3 Property Owners